About Us

About Us

BE Strong
BE Positive

Earth-calls...   ...do WE ANsWEr ?
WE should ACT.   ...no???  . . . yes-
Simple, just follow my lead.

Who We Are
Simply a diligent Person, who really Loves OUR EARTH and US People dearly and passionately,  ...and wrote a book. A Book that, in one-question explains that OUR "Climate" has an "issue", but IS FIxable...  That question is HOW could it be 41.5degrees where-ever WE dig four feet down (excluding near Perama-Frost, and a hot Spring or Volcano..), and this is SOOO-easy "why".. That All of us do-it every-Day. In-short, this "q" gets ANsWEred and it is so simple.  
           SO, BE StrONg and confident. Create New Neurons of New Confidence-
-first-come, first serve. Presently Free...   for-now. So, Can You imagine what that question may-be???   ...much simpler than You think. . But it takes US to Care some...
...like a Good-mystery, "The-ANsWEr" is right -in front of You-

Presently looking for ANY Lawyers, advisers TO-DO  -WHATEVER-IT-Takes, to enforce The Declaration of Independence, BY-LAW...   You must have Big cahonnas, and NOT BE "afraid"..

...do YOU have what it takes????
Charles R Zerilli
718 362 9599
(side-note: Please)..
"send" 3X  /  technical issues beyond my control.. ...
...just add a "T" to-make "issues", softer, ...into tissues. ...   I HAVE-had a few "phone, email" issues. You get the idea.    ...my impression is   ***I AM** doing the Right-Thing Her, so You do the same, please. Thank You in advance underSTANDing
Be-Dilligent..  I-AM! I love OUR EARTH-  ...do You? Please show that you can, somehow.. Not-sure...???   ...then order my New Book NOW. Providing EARTH-insite NEVER-before put into words. You WILL only love OUR very beautiful EARTH, more..  ...and then-know what-to-do as-WEll..  ...love u all. BE Strong-now!
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